

Márcia Gomes Vilarigues | Presidente do DCR

Professora Associada com Agregação
1.28 - piso 1 Ed. Departamental

Presidente do DCR, Coordenadora Vicarte e Coordenadora do Mestrado em Arte e Ciência do Vidro

Márcia Vilarigues works in the field of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage in the area of Technical Art History and Materials Degradation. Her research is strongly shaped by interdisciplinary interests and principally focuses on the preservation of our material cultural history. In the past decade she has played a leading role in the research on the glass history and glass making, re-thinking the ways these two topics can be studied and impact other research fields. She has also helped to make technical art history, with its focus on materiality and making, one of the most prominent tools to the studies of materials degradation, seeking a close alliance with expertise in museums and conservation.

Márcia Vilarigues has developed a broad experience on the coordination of international multidisciplinary teams and her work, while having a wide scientific impact in the field of Conservation Sciences.

Publicações Representativas

Grisailles: reconstruction and characterization of historical recipes, Int J Appl Glass Sci. 2020;11:756–773., https://doi.org/10.1111/ijag.15793

Magic Lantern Glass Slides Materials and Techniques: the First Multi-Analytical Study, Heritage, 2019, 2, 2513–2530 https://doi.org/10.3390/heritage2030154

Blue enamel pigment – chemical and morphological characterization of its corrosion process, Corrosion Science 139 (2018) 235–242

Projetos Financiados

Principal Investigator PTDC/EPH-PAT/3579/2012 A colecção de vitrais de D. Fernando II – montando o puzzle, The Stained-glass collection of King Ferdinand II of Portugal – Assembling the puzzle, Funded by the National Science Foundation (PTDC/EPH-PAT/3579/2012)

Principal Investigator Estudo de proveniência do espólio vítreo do Mosteiro de Sta. Clara-a-Velha (Coimbra), Funded by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (refª 125421).


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